1. Tell us a little about yourself?
I am a serial entrepreneur, mother, wife, wine lover and shark diver. I run inclusion and diversity for an organisation called EO (Entrepreneur Organisation). I employ 14 people, 90% are part-time working mothers, and I am passionate about hiring senior female leaders into corporate Australia.
2. Who are the women who have inspired you the most in your life?
My Nan & Mother, Sheryl Sandberg, Brene Brown, Amy Cuddy, Julia Gillard, Layne Beachley, and Kelly Slessor
3. Why do you think it’s important to increase the number of women in business, particularly in leadership roles?
This is CRITICAL. Corporate Australia has been run by men since its inception, and it is broken. Unless we bring women into these roles, nothing will change. It’s really important to change an organisations culture to encourage and promote women and make them feel like they can return to work after having children. Stats show that women make over 70% of household purchasing decisions; however, these products and services are being designed by men. They are not hitting the mark for their customers. Hiring and retaining women may take more effort, but the benefits are significant. The WGEA report shows that female CEO’s will drive more profitable businesses than male CEO’s.
4. How would you describe your current thinking about diversity and inclusion?
Loving the airtime I&D (inclusion before diversity) is having, but I am yet to see systemic change. COVID-19 has set us back as we have reverted to conservative hiring when money is short, and people are nervous about the future. The drive of the #metoo movement has been attributed to I&D, which has slowed some of the conversations. I&D and #metoo are completely different and yet seem to be talked about under the banner of feminism. While there is a focus on gender for many large corp organisations, I&D is a much bigger discussion for other cohorts of minorities. If we can build an inclusive culture, more women will be encouraged to enter those leadership positions, return from mat leave, and accept lengthy paternity leave.
5. Would you like to tell us a bit more about your thoughts/ comments?
I am a true feminist who runs 3 businesses. 2 of which focus on supporting hiring women into senior roles. I love men and women and just want to strive for a truly equal playing field.