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Federal Government Career – ASPL Group Urges Participation in Public Consultation for Federal Government’s Draft National Autism Strategy

Federal Government Career
ASPL Group, a management consultancy, training and recruitment firm specialising in diversity, equity, and inclusion, is highlighting the need for widespread engagement in the public consultation for the Federal Government's Draft National Autism Strategy. With a commitment to fostering inclusive environments, ASPL Group emphasises the significance of this strategy in enhancing the lives of autistic Australians nationwide.

Advocates for individuals on the autism spectrum have long emphasised the need for enhanced awareness, understanding, support, and inclusion. Disparities in life outcomes between people with autism and the general population are substantial, with the gap widening as the rate of autism diagnoses rises annually – an increase of 25.1% between 2015 and 2019, and failure to enact meaningful change will only exacerbate this discrepancy.

Now is the time to have your say.

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