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SmartCompany — Australian businesses suffering through second-worst skills crisis in developed world, OECD says

Most industries across Australia are suffering from skill and talent shortages. The National Skills Commission predicts almost a million new jobs will be created by 2025 on top of this. Our CEO Kris Grant shares with the @Smart Company’s five strategic priorities to retain staff to ensure businesses survive in one of the most challenging skill crises we have had in a long time.

Kris shares ideas for businesses to consider for retaining existing staff, which include:

  1. Creating a work environment for open dialogue with staff to ensure they feel valued
  2. Prioritise inclusive workplace culture initiatives including remote or hybrid ones
  3. Flexible work arrangements- employees are 2.6 times more likely to be happy in their current jobs when they are offered flexibility
  4. Effective onboarding experience for new recruits to enhance retention
  5.  Learning and development for existing staff – 94% of employees would stay at a company longer when learning opportunities are provided

Do you think businesses should consider training or policies to consider for retaining staff? Leave a comment below and let us know what industries you believe have been hit the most.

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