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Yahoo Finance — Sad truth behind the 1 million Aussies taking a second job

Yahoo Finance
Over 1 million Australians have been taking on a second job this year, but why is it that most are women? According to the ABS, the three industries with the highest number of secondary jobs in 2022 were health care and social assistance; administrative and support services; and education.

Kris, CEO of ASPL group indicates that this is a sign many Australians are struggling to make ends meet with just one job, as their mortgage, energy and grocery bills are increasing, impacting household budgets.

Notably, these sectors are heavily female-dominated, and it could be that relatively low-paid nurses or aged care workers are having to seek out second jobs to cover rising prices.

Women, on average, are still being paid substantially less than men and they dominate low-paid and part-time work, which is compromising their capacity to build wealth and save for their retirement compared to men.

Given the numbers suggest the unemployment rate could stay below 4 percent for many months, this is a call for women to ask their employers for a long-awaited wage rise.

Read our 6 step guide on how to ask for a pay rise here:

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