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Aged Care News — As inflation hits 32-year high, employment expert says workers must demand wage rise

Aged Care News
ASPL Group’s CEO Kris Grant, was featured in the Aged Care News recent article, discussing how inflation has now hit a 32-year high, and employees should not hesitate to ask for a pay rise and showcase their achievements.

The Federal Budget indicated that inflation is predicted to average 5.75 per cent in 2022-23, peaking at 7.75 per cent in the December quarter this year, the highest it has been in 32 years.

Multiple Australians have yet to receive a wage rise for many years, with just 1.9% over the 12 months of wage growth, despite soaring living costs.
Real wages are only expected to start growing in 2024 when wages are forecasted to grow 3.75 per cent compared with the consumer price index of 3.5 per cent.

“Now is the time for workers to be assertive and ask for a wage rise. As the national skills shortage highlights, the value of workers has risen in this very tight jobs market.” ASPL Group CEO, Kris Grant

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