Helen is deeply skilled in the field of Human Resources. She has a particular interest in human behaviour and the way this creates commercial and cultural value. She has held senior executive roles in a Public Sector (Investment Management) and ASX listed companies including VFMC, AMP Limited, AXA Asia Pacific Holding, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young and professional services with Ernst & Young Consulting and Corrs Chambers Westgarth.
With a deep appreciation of commercial drivers and profit imperatives, Helen contributes to strategic objectives that drive business performance and sustained success. She has been instrumental in contributing to due diligence, scoping and implementation of strategic acquisitions and divestments including the merger of AXA and AMP. Her ability to marry commercial and human capital creates a performance culture that delivers tangible business value.
Helen is recognised as an inspiring leader who catalyses and accelerates human and organisational performance to drive business results. This is achieved through a deep belief that individuals respond to ambitious objectives when clarity, purpose and accountability are clear. This creates a compelling foundation that defines organisational leadership, culture and value.
By applying this capability, Helen provides organisations the opportunity to explore beyond what they believe possible in relation to leadership, culture and business performance.
Helen’s career has been shaped by delivering exceptional business results through the creation of value, capacity building, mentoring and coaching of senior executives and the direct impact she has on people and business.